ၽိုၼ်တၢမ်းငဝ်းလႆၢး ၵဝ်ႉငဝ်ႈသုၼ်ႇလႆႈၵူၼ်းၸိုင်ႈတႆးဝၼ်းထိ
သိုၵ်းမၢၼ်ႈတဵၵ်းဢဝ်ၵူၼ်းမိူင်းမွၵ်ႈ 30 ႁဵတ်းႁူဝ်ႉႄၶတူဝ်ၽွင်းပဵၼ်ပၢင်တိုၵ်းၼႂ်းၵုၼ်ႁဵင်
On August 25, 2015, about 30 villagers in Kunhing township, southern Shan State, were forced by Burma Army troops to be...
Open letter to SMEC by Karli-KunHing People
To the Australian company, Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC):
We believe you know well about the situation on the...